Full trail at Lanikai Pillboxes

Have you ever done the Lanikai Pillbox Hike? It's one of my favorites because of the beautiful views and usually there are awesome breezes. A quick up and back if you want (takes us 20-30 minutes to the top) OR you can continue on the trail from the two pillboxes and do a large loop. This larger loop will finish on Poopoo Place (I know, funny name, right?!) and then you can walk back along Aalapapa Drive back to where you parked towards the beginning of the hike.

PARKING -- There is no parking on Kaelepulu Drive, where the trail starts by the Mid Pacific Country Club. You'll see a country club guard watching for illegal parking as you walk up the street to the trailhead. You will need to park in the residential Lanikai neighborhood, on the left side of the road on Aalapapa Drive and walk up Kaelepulu Drive and you'll see the trailhead on your left.

We highly recommend this hike with or without kids! 

The views are spectacular even if it's a bit steep at the beginning! Would not recommend this on a day when it has been raining a lot. The beginning could be quite messy.

LENGTH -- "The Lanikai Pillbox Hike is a moderate 1 hour hike (roundtrip), depending how far you decide to go. You can easily reach the first old military pillbox bunker in about 20 to 30 minutes. From here, another 10 minute walk along the ridge will take you to the second pillbox."   If you choose to go further, along the ridge and out on Poopoo Place, as mentioned above, it will probably take you 1.5 to 2 hours round trip.

Golf Course across from the trailhead.

 Views from the top!!

Here's where you come out at the end if you go along the ridge then out onto Poopoo Place!
Happy Trails! 

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